Brow Surgery


  • Over time, skin begins to lose its elasticity, and when combined with the effects of sun, wind and the pull of gravity, the result can be frown lines and forehead wrinkles that make friends ask, "Is something bothering you?" or "What are you angry about?" If you are hearing questions such as these lately, perhaps it's time to consider an eyebrow lift.

  • Also called a forehead lift, an endoscopic brow lift smooths your forehead, raises sagging eyebrows and diminishes frown lines that make you look tired, sad, angry or simply older than you'd like to.

  • To see what a brow and forehead lift can do for your face, put your hands above your brows and outside the edges of your eyes and gently raise the skin upwards.

  • Several small incisions are made just behind the hairline, then, using an endoscope (a small lighted viewing device that provide a precise view of underlying tissues and muscles), your surgeon gently repositions the forehead to it new, optimal height. The lifted skin is held in place with several implanted fixation devices that are palpable, but not visible, and dissolve within four to six months. The result is a higher, natural, more youthful brow line without that telltale "surprised" appearance.

  • What are the advantages of an Endoscopic Brow Lift? Patients who have undergone the endoscopic brow lift have little, if any visible scarring, particularly compared to an open-coronal lift. There is also less pain, swelling and bruising immediately after surgery because the procedure utilizes smaller incisions.

  • A brow lift is usually performed on men and women between ages 35 to 70, although the procedure can be performed on younger patients with inherited conditions. You may want to consider combining your brow lift with an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) for a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance.